The Campainless Blog

ByAdrian Cordiner
How to Choose a LinkedIn Ad Agency for Your Business: See the Top 25 Agencies Right Now
With over 1 billion members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, LinkedIn provides a unique opportunity to target a highly specific audience based on job titles, industries, and professional interests. However, maximizing the potential of LinkedIn advertising requires expertise and a strategic approach beyond basic ads and campaigns.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Ads Best Practices: How to Maximize Your ROI
With over 900 million members, LinkedIn offers one of the best advertising platforms for single image and video ads, to dynamic and message ads. This guide gives you 5 best practices to launch LinkedIn Ads that drive results.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Ad Specs Infographic
To see amazing results from your LinkedIn Ads campaigns, you need to know all the latest ad specs. Get across them with our infographic.
BySophie Gosman
How to Create a LinkedIn Advertising Campaign 
Are you a LinkedIn Ads beginner? An experts who want a refresher? An agency rep who's setting up a campaign for a new client? We run through exactly how to create a LinkedIn advertising campaign from scratch.
BySophie Gosman
The Anatomy of LinkedIn Follower Ads
Understand the basic anatomy of the LinkedIn follower ad - what they are, their mighty benefits and how to leverage them successfully.
BySophie Gosman
Leveraging LinkedIn Document Ads
In this helpful article, we shed light on everything LinkedIn Document Ads. We cover what they are, how to leverage them effectively, best practices, examples and more.
BySophie Gosman
Insider’s Manual: How to Promote a Post on LinkedIn
Promoting existing page posts is lighter, faster way of going to market, connecting with your target audience and getting the results you want. In this article, discover exactly how to set up and promote a LinkedIn post effectively in 2023. 
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Ads Analytics: Deriving the Most out of your Campaign Data
Get our top tips, tricks and tools for getting the most out of your LinkedIn Ads analytics. With these under your wing, you'll start running LinkedIn Ads campaigns like a boss. 
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Marketing Tools: The 360 Software Roundup 
Want to see the LinkedIn marketing tools we're recommending in 2023? Check out our fully updated LinkedIn marketing tools roundup.
BySophie Gosman
The ABCs of LinkedIn Ads Reporting 
In this helpful guide, we run through the ABCs of Linkedin Ads reporting. Wrap your head around them and you're taking a shortcut to become a LinkedIn Ads reporting king (or queen💅). 
BySophie Gosman
9 Golden Linkedin Ads Tips
Want to boost brand awareness, generate high quality leads or increase sales calls? Our 9 golden LinkedIn ads tips are here to save the day. We'd recommend revisiting them any time you're going to build a fresh campaign.
BySophie Gosman
Marketer’s Manual: A/B Testing & Linkedin Ads
In this helpful article, we take you through our tried and tested best practices for how to A/B test for optimal results. Pin it to your bookmarks, and you'll never miss a beat on your LinkedIn marketing decisions again.
BySophie Gosman
Finding the Ideal Linkedin Audience Size
There's no magic pill to finding the perfect LinkedIn audience size, but our article is as good as it gets. Get reading now to find your sweet spot.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Text Ads: Still Relevant?
Never heard of a LinkedIn text ad, let alone run one? We explain everything you need to know about this often forgotten-about ad type and show you why they are still relevant in 2023.
BySophie Gosman
Linkedin Ads Metrics You Need to Pay Attention to
We’ve pulled together the key LinkedIn metrics you should be paying attention to. And broken them out by the most common campaign types and objectives, so you can easily be on top of the right numbers for any campaign you run. This will also help you get the most out of your budget. Lap these up and commit them to memory!
BySophie Gosman
The Key Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing: Shared
In this value-packed article, we dive into the many benefits of LinkedIn marketing for B2B businesses. And we gift you all the reasons you need to justify an investment (or increased investment) in this unique advertising channel. We promise you there’s no shortage of reasons!
BySophie Gosman
Generating a Buzz with Linkedin Event Ads
Running an industry conference? A topical webinar viewing? Or perhaps a networking event? You probably want to drive as much buzz and traction around your event as possible. Linkedin event ads are great for this.
BySophie Gosman
What is LinkedIn Optimisation?
Being able to effectively manage your LinkedIn ad campaigns is very important. However, in order to elevate your results to the next level and truly maximise your investment - you need to go a step further. You need to be able to optimise. 
BySophie Gosman
Manage your LinkedIn Ads Budget like a Pro
Are you managing your LinkedIn ads budget effectively? If you're not you could be risking poor results. We’ve crafted a tell-all guide that covers all the LinkedIn budgeting info, tips, tools and strategies out there. With this prized possession in your hands, you won’t waste a cent of ad spend from this point forward.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Ads Vs Facebook Ads
As a B2B marketer, it's likely you’re constantly asking yourself: how should I be delegating my budget? Which channels should I be investing in? And you probably find yourself weighing up LinkedIn Ads vs Facebook Ads. We lay out all the pros and cons of both channels, so you can make the best decision for your needs. Let us do the hard work so you can put your mind to other things! 
BySophie Gosman
Why Advertise on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is the advertising weapon of choice for many B2B marketers. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons why, particularly when it comes to lead generation. In this guide we’ll run through the most profound and compelling draw cards of the platform (in contrast to other social channels) and show you why successful companies invest in it.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Content Best Practices
Content is the backbone of LinkedIn. After all, professionals from all over the world flock to the platform to share, find and engage with thought leadership of all kinds. And with over 58 million companies vying for the attention of LinkedIn users, it’s crucial that your content follows best practices in order to catch the eye of your target audience and stand out from the crowd.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Single Image Ads
Are you currently running LinkedIn single image ads for your organisation? Or just getting started with this ad type? These ads may be the most simple and easy to set up, but in order to get the max value out of them - you need to do more than the bare minimum. In this article, we run through the tricks of the trade and our secret sauce to send you rocketing up to success with single image ads as your fuel.
BySophie Gosman
All the LinkedIn Ad Types
In this handy guide, we run through each of the ad types. We serve you the tea on what they are, their KEY specs, the objectives they’re compatible with and how you should use them. If you have any questions about any of the ad types, this all-in-one, jam-packed Guide to LinkedIn Ad Types is for you. We give you all the details you need to succeed. Time to get stuck in.
BySophie Gosman
Get your Head Around LinkedIn Advertising Costs
Are you an expert in LinkedIn marketing? Are you new to the platform? Or somewhere in between? Regardless of how much experience you have - it’s likely there are still some gaps in your understanding when it comes to LinkedIn advertising costs. And you need to fill them in order to get the most out of your investment. In this comprehensive guide, we break down the main things you need to know about LinkedIn advertising costs & empower you to make better decisions.
BySophie Gosman
How to Optimise LinkedIn Ads
So, you’re running LinkedIn Ads for your business. A solid, carefully thought out campaign set up is all well and good. But without knowing how to optimise linkedin ads effectively, you might as well be shooting in the dark. After all, it’s rare that a campaign will run for the full duration with flawless results and no hiccups. If you don’t know how to analyse and pivot, you’re at risk of throwing money down the drain.  Luckily, we’re here to help. In this article, we dive into the two key optimisation areas you need to be well-versed in.
BySophie Gosman
The Tea on LinkedIn Conversation Ads
LinkedIn’s newest paid messaging format is the conversation ad. What makes this new kid on the block stand out from traditional ‘message ads’? Not only do conversation ads allow you to directly pop into your prospects' inbox with a targeted message, but go a step further and initiate a “chat-like experience” with them. Have questions? We’re not surprised. This may be one of the most sophisticated and interesting ad formats yet. Let’s learn more.
BySophie Gosman
How to Ace LinkedIn Dynamic Ads like a Boss
Dynamic ads are a very powerful tool to have in your LinkedIn marketing mix. They add a level of personalisation that is difficult to achieve with other ad formats like single image and carousel. And if leveraged effectively, they have the potential to drive much stronger engagement and boost overall conversions for your business. But where do you start when it comes to LinkedIn dynamic ads? And how do you get the best results? Let’s jump straight in. 
BySophie Gosman
The Hubspot & LinkedIn Integration: A Perfect Partnership
LinkedIn and Hubspot are both platforms with an endless list of partnerships and integrations. Including each other. If you’re running LinkedIn ads and also have Hubspot - but don’t have them linked, you’re doing yourself a disservice. It’s almost like sitting on a goldmine of value and never looking under your chair. Together, they make the perfect partnership. But what makes them so great together? And how do you connect & use them best to maximize your results?
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Video Ads: Explained
Video is the preferred language of many modern marketers. While image, carousel, email, conversation and GIFs all have their place - it’s video that often gets the highest engagement. On LinkedIn in particular, video generates an average of 3x the engagement than other types of posts. But with so many brands all over the globe distributing paid video content daily - it’s important that you put in the effort to stand out from the crowd. In this comprehensive guide we’ll run through everything you need to find success with Linkedin video ads. From showing you how to create click-worthy video content and set up a video ad campaign to the key specs, best practices & examples - we’ll make sure every base is covered. Put your trust in us to act as your video sensei and there’s no way you’ll miss the mark. Let’s get into it.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Retargeting Campaigns
Any savvy B2B marketer will be familiar with LinkedIn retargeting campaigns. And most know that without  at least one in their campaign mix - achieving a decent ROI can be difficult. That being said, many advertisers aren’t getting the most out of LinkedIn retargeting. Nor are they aware of the full spectrum of options available to them. In this post, we give you a quick refresh of what LinkedIn retargeting is before jumping into some of our top tips, tricks and approaches. After reading, you’ll have all the ammunition you need to back up your investment to the wider business. Get started!
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Content Marketing Masterclass
According to LinkedIn, 88% of US marketers currently leverage content marketing to achieve their objectives. However, almost half of this group feel that they aren’t using it effectively. That means there are countless marketers out there, eager to find ways of doing content marketing better. Sound familiar? Luckily, we have everything you need to do exactly that. In our in-depth LinkedIn content masterclass - we’ll walk you through the basics, before diving into specific steps, helpful tips, nifty tools and first-class examples. All you need to do is start reading and you'll be on track to elevating your content marketing today.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Carousel Ads: What They Are, What to Use Them For, Ad Specs & Best Practices
When it comes to LinkedIn ad formats, there’s not much you can’t do. From single image to video to message, carousel, text and conversation - the world’s your oyster! One of the most popular (and one of our personal favourite) formats is the carousel ad.  In this in-depth post we’ll cover what carousel ads are, why you should care about them and how you can start using them more effectively to freshen up your marketing efforts. Plus, we include the updated ad specs you should be following to get the best results! Sit back and get ready to soak up carousel knowledge.
BySophie Gosman
Laughing businesspeople working together at an office table
The ability to get your ads in front of exactly the right eyeballs is the cornerstone of LinkedIn’s brilliance. Whether you’re wanting to connect with tech CEOs, marketing managers or software engineers - there’s a way to reach them through LinkedIn Ads. But, how do you ensure your targeting is geared for success? You need to check out our top 10 LinkedIn targeting tips.
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Sign
Our guide, carefully curated by experts, is full of tips, tricks and insights to put you back in the driver’s seat of your LinkedIn account and ensure you're getting the most out of the platform. We’ll start our journey with campaign objectives and audience tips and then guide you through nailing your bids, crafting compelling creative, analysing your data like a pro and optimising effectively.
BySophie Gosman
Man on laptop
There’s a reason why 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for their content marketing efforts. If you leverage the platform effectively (and don’t steer off course), the results can be truly spectacular. But how can you ensure that you make LinkedIn work for you and get the most juice out of your investment? Nailing best practices is key. Get a head start with this nifty cheatsheet.
BySophie Gosman
Female and Male looking at phone
As a voracious, lead-hungry B2B marketer, you’re always looking for new ways to attract your target audience and level up your lead volume. Think you’ve exhausted all the possibilities? Think again. We’ve pulled together a bunch of cutting-edge, creativity-pumping ideas to help you create the best Linkedin ads on the market. 
BySophie Gosman
young lady using laptop
While LinkedIn Campaign Manager is relatively user-friendly, it can be difficult to generate the results you need without in-depth platform knowledge. Especially if you’re short on time or resources (which most of us are). That’s why many businesses choose to outsource their LinkedIn activity to a professional. So, how do you find a LinkedIn expert that is reliable, experienced, fairly priced and well-suited to your needs? We’ve broken it down into 7 simple steps.
BySophie Gosman
Person on LinkedIn mobile app
As a B2B marketer, you’re likely familiar with LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads. You’ll also know that they typically generate more leads than landing page ads, without sacrificing quality. However, you might not be aware of the many ways seasoned pros squeeze additional value out of them & as a result, may be failing to generate the results you deserve. So, what are these hidden methods? Let’s dig in.