The Campainless Blog

How to Find a LinkedIn Marketing Expert 
BySophie Gosman
young lady using laptop

How to Find a LinkedIn Marketing Expert 

7 Steps to Finding your Perfect Fit

While LinkedIn Campaign Manager is relatively user-friendly, it can be difficult to generate the results you need without in-depth platform knowledge. Especially if you’re short on time or resources (which most of us are). That’s why many businesses choose to outsource their LinkedIn activity to a professional. However, with every man and his dog proclaiming themselves to be LinkedIn marketing experts – finding the right person can be challenging. As a result, many stop at the first hurdle. So, how do you find a LinkedIn expert that is reliable, experienced, fairly priced and well-suited to your needs? We’ve broken it down into 7 simple steps.

1. Define your goals 

Before you start actively searching for LinkedIn marketing experts, you need to know what your goals for this channel are. Is your primary goal to build brand awareness? Are you trying to boost the volume of hot leads to feed to your sales team? Are you looking to build your funnel? Clarifying your goals is the first, very important step in hiring the right person. After all, jumping into bed with someone without making your intentions very clear is only going to lead to heartbreak.

2. Define your “ideal candidate” 

Once you’ve done some initial research you need to create a list of must-haves for your ideal candidate. This could include years of experience, area of expertise, industry background, location (in your country or abroad), language, price etc. Hang onto this wishlist throughout your search and make sure you refer back to it throughout. While it’s unlikely you’ll find someone that ticks all your boxes, this list will stop you from getting sidetracked by someone who’s charming but isn’t a good fit.

3. Do your homework  

After you define what your goals are and who your ideal candidate is, you need to do some research. What options are out there for someone who fits your brief? What is a reasonable price-point for your needs? Are your needs more suited to an agency or a freelancer? What are the advantages / disadvantages of both? What do reviews say if there are any? Having an understanding of the landscape before you dive into choosing your expert is key.

4. Ask around

With your goals, wishlist and research at your disposal, you’re ready to start the selection process. Your first move should be to ask your network, and see if they know any LinkedIn marketing experts who might be well-suited to your needs. Acting on the recommendation of someone you know is an easy way to ensure quality, reliability and skip some of the heavy-lifting that goes into hiring a stranger.

5. Put yourself out there 

If finding someone in your circle is proving unsuccessful – it’s time to get out there and amplify your vacancy on the web. Start with Google (scroll through the organic results and look out for any reviews / testimonials), and widen your search to trusted networks like Seek, Upwork, Facebook Groups and Fiverr. Make sure you create a job description for that is on-point and as targeted as possible. Then pull together a list of anyone / agency who fits your criteria. 

6. Ask the right questions

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to speak to you possible LinkedIn marketing experts directly. Whether you’re sitting down together (over Zoom or in-person), it’s critical that you ask the right questions! This stage is more about sounding out their experience, their skills and their personality fit. 

7. Listen to your instincts 

Before you make any big decisions, check in with your intuition: is this person a good fit for me? Do I get a positive vibe from them? Can you see yourself working well together? These questions may seem basic or trivial, especially if they look good on paper but it’s really important to check in with your feelings. If you get a sense that something’s off – usually there’s a good reason. Trust your judgment! 

Get started 

There you have it! 7 quick-fire steps to finding your LinkedIn match made in heaven. Still unlucky in your quest? Maybe your ideal fit isn’t a person, but an intuitive online platform. With Campainless, the world’s first LinkedIn optimization tool, you can significantly reduce the time and energy you spend on LinkedIn activity and achieve your goals without involving a third party. Learn more about Campainless today!

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