The Campainless Blog

How to Ace LinkedIn Dynamic Ads like a Boss
BySophie Gosman
How to Ace LinkedIn Dynamic Ads like a Boss

How to Ace LinkedIn Dynamic Ads like a Boss

Dynamic ads are a very powerful tool to have in your LinkedIn marketing mix. They add a level of personalisation that is difficult to achieve with other ad formats like single image and carousel. And if leveraged effectively, they have the potential to drive much stronger engagement and boost overall conversions for your business. But where do you start when it comes to LinkedIn dynamic ads? And how do you get the best results? Let’s jump straight in. 

What are LinkedIn dynamic ads?

LinkedIn dynamic ads are personalised ads which feature each LinkedIn users own profile data – including elements like their photo, company name, job title, and more. There are three types of dynamic ads: follower, job and spotlight ads. 

Much like the names suggest, follower ads are designed to boost followers of your company page, job ads to get more applicants for a job posting and spotlight ads to share products, services, events, insights, research or valuable content with your target audience. 

Why should you use dynamic ads?

  • Personalisation 
    • One of the key reasons companies use dynamic ads is their personal touch they deliver. With the other ad formats, a lot of the work goes into curating copy and creative that draws in your target audience and connects their needs with your offer. 
    • By enabling you to incorporate your prospects’ own personal information directly into your ad, there’s much less work required on this front. For example, imagine you’re running a job ad and someone who fits your criteria sees it in their feed. It’s a dynamic ad with their photo next to your brand name and the title you’re promoting. This approach makes it far easier for them to envision themselves in the role. And they’re more likely to apply as a result.
  • Increased engagement 
    • For you digital marketers out there – another key reason to use dynamic ads is the high levels of engagement they typically generate. Want concrete stats to back this up? The benchmark CTR for this ad format is a hefty 0.1% vs 0.35% for single image. Plus, some companies are generating up to 475% the benchmark. With these kinds of results on the table, it’s hard to ignore the power of dynamic ads.
  • Higher conversion rates
    • Not only are dynamic ads highly effective for generating brand awareness and engagement, they also work surprisingly well for bottom-of-funnel campaigns. By allowing you to put your prospect’s personal information alongside your offer – you can again easily build a connection between the two is less onerous and can be more effective. Consequently, businesses like In Touch Networks have seen a considerable uplift in conversions.

How should you use dynamic ads for the best results? 

There’s no hard and fast rule here as to what approaches generate the best results, but there are some recommendations that we have seen work best for different stages of the funnel.

If your goal is to build brand awareness, use LinkedIn follower ads to promote your LinkedIn Page. If you’re looking to drive conversions, use LinkedIn spotlight ads to showcase your product, service, event, and more to increase traffic to your website or landing page. To power your LinkedIn content marketing efforts and generate leads, use content ads to feature your piece of content to instantly capture leads when it’s downloaded.

Best practices

  1. Enable the profile picture feature
    • By including the profile picture feature you can take another step toward really personalising and humanising your ads. What this means is that there will be a picture of a person of your choosing e.g. the author of your content, a webinar speaker or CEO of your company, which appears next to the users own profile picture.
  • When LinkedIn tested using the speaker image vs. the company logo, they saw a 326% lift in CTR with the speaker.
  1. Feature a clear CTA
    • Like any LinkedIn format you need to ensure that you have a CTA and that it is clear and compelling. Don’t leave any room for confusion or obfuscation – anyone who sees your ad should know exactly what to do next.
  2. A/B test multiple headlines
    • Again, best practice with all ad formats is to A/B test. In the case of dynamic ads, it’s crucial you test your headlines to see which resonates best with your target audience. You won’t know what works until you get testing.

Get started with dynamic ads

Now we’ve run through what dynamic ads are, how to use them and some best practices to keep you in check, you have no excuse but to hit the pedal to the metal and excel at this ad format. Need any dynamic ads expertise or other formats? We have a full team of LinkedIn experts happy to help you navigate any questions or queries you have. Get in touch with us today.

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