The Campainless Blog

LinkedIn Content Best Practices
BySophie Gosman
LinkedIn Content Best Practices

LinkedIn Content Best Practices

Start creating KPI-smashing content for LinkedIn overnight

Content is the backbone of LinkedIn. After all, professionals from all over the world flock to the platform to share, find and engage with thought leadership of all kinds. And with over 58 million companies vying for the attention of LinkedIn users, it’s crucial that your content follows best practices in order to stop your target audience mid scrolling-spree and stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re using content for organic or paid activity, stick to these LinkedIn content best practices and you’ll never lose a cent on content again.

1. Always have your audience in mind 

If there’s one stand out best practice you need to adhere to it’s always create LinkedIn content for your target audience. Don’t just design an infographic or create an eBook because you feel like it, make sure the content format, topic and language are all done with your audience front and centre in your mind. Ask yourself: does this content asset address an audience pain point? Does it provide real value to them? Does it reflect where they are at in the buying cycle? Will they consume this and feel positively about your company? It’s important to keep all these considerations top of mind when creating content for LinkedIn to ensure you see results. 

2. Align with the funnel stage

On top of creating for your audience, you need to ensure that all the content you create for LinkedIn aligns with the funnel stage your targeting. Are you targeting a top-funnel cold audience with the goal of brand awareness? You’ll probably want to focus on creating easily digestible, snackable content e.g. a 15 second brand video, an infographic or short blog post. Targeting a warmer, bottom-funnel retargeting audience? A comparison guide, case study or comparison guide are probably a better bet. The same goes for the topics, top-funnel content should be more educational and bottom more product/features-focused. Before you start anything content-wise, consider the funnel stage the audience your targeting is at and align your content to it.

3. Select a shareworthy topic & title

Another consideration you should weigh up when crafting content for LinkedIn is choosing a topic that is likely to draw attention and pick up immediate traction from your target audience. You want to create something that is likely to produce the maximum number of shares, comments and likes. This might mean focusing on a topic that is novel or controversial or it might mean sharing a different opinion on a hot topic already out there. Content research tools like Buzzsumo can help you research topics that are trending with your audience across social channels and inspire you to create your own. Plus, you’ll want to make sure that your title is compelling and catchy to amplify the share-worthiness of your content.

4. Ensure you have a strong CTA 

Finally, whether you’re creating a blog post, infographic or long-form eBook or case study – it’s critical that you have a strong CTA at the end of it that drives prospects to the next stage in the funnel. Are you sharing a TOFU blog post to a broad demographic audience with a single image ad? You’ll probably want to include a CTA on the blog post to download a gated longer-form, mid-funnel piece or potentially to get in touch with a team member with any questions. Your goal should always be to push prospects down the funnel and do so clearly, without being overly salesy.

Start creating!

That’s it folks! 4 tried-and-true best practices you need to follow in order to create KPI-smashing content for your LinkedIn ads or organic posts. Keep these in mind throughout the content creation process to ensure you achieve the best results.

Now you’ve got the process down-pat, wish there was an easy way to determine what content is performing well once it’s out in the wild and make decisions accordingly? Campainless, our optimisation tool, will send you AI-generated content suggestions based on performance to ensure you’re always on top of your content game.

Plus, you’ll get alerts to let you know pieces content are working (and those that aren’t) as soon as there’s statistical significance. Learn more about the platform here, or if you have other LinkedIn questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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