The Campainless Blog

Leveraging LinkedIn Document Ads
BySophie Gosman
Leveraging LinkedIn Document Ads

Leveraging LinkedIn Document Ads

Say hello to one of the newest LinkedIn ad formats: the Document Ad. Specifically designed to promote content – eBooks, white papers, guides and more – experimenting with these ads is a great way to freshen up your business’s marketing efforts.

If you proceed strategically and execute them well, you’ll see a noticeable uplift in the volume of quality leads entering your pipeline.

So, how do you make this ad format work for you?

In this helpful article, we shed light on everything LinkedIn Document Ads. This includes: what they are, how to leverage them effectively, best practices, examples and more.

Let’s jump headfirst into the exciting world of LinkedIn Document Ads and show you how to get the most out of them.

What are they?

Linkedin Document Ads allow users to download and read documents directly in their newsfeeds. This means no messy tabs, new windows or redirects.

By reducing friction, the document ad format allows you to share content freely to your target audience, build trust in your brand and boost awareness.

Alternatively, if you choose to use Document Ads in conjunction with the Lead Generation objective, you can harness them to capture leads. Using Document Ads this way brings an additional edge to traditional Lead Generation Ad as the user can read an excerpt of a content piece before they provide their details, which means you have more opportunity to convince them that this exchange is worth it.

Used in its various forms, this versatile ad can fit at the various funnel stages to fulfil your unique marketing objectives. It is a clever and handy additional to your current mix.

Why should you use them?

Some of the main reasons why experienced LinkedIn marketers use Document Ads as part of their approach is:

1. Brand awareness

One of the main benefits of LinkedIn Document Ads is that they can help you boost brand awareness in a more direct, meaningful way. By enabling you to share educational, insightful content directly into the feed of your target audience and provide value straight up, you can connect more deeply than you can with a Single Image Ad.

2. Lead generation

Another benefit of Document Ads is that, when combined with the Lead Generation objective, they can be a tremendous additional avenue for your lead generation efforts. By allowing users to read a bit of the document and then requiring them to exchange their information for access to the full document, you can generate leads at a larger scale and, often, better quality.

3. Valuable content insights

With Lead Generation Ads, you can’t see insights into how your content is being read. But because Document Ads are served in-platform, you can. Through the dashboard you can get useful insights into specific pieces of content and how they are being read and downloaded. This can allow you to inform your marketing funnel strategy.

Document Ad specifications

There are some specifications you should be aware of when you’re composing your Document Ads.

Stay within these boundaries and you’re starting off on the right foot.

Here they are:


Aspect Ratio: Vertical, Horizontal, Square

Limits: 300 Pages or 1MM Words

Size: 100MB

Document Ad best practices

To get the most out of Document Ads and your investment, you should be putting into place some of these best practices. Here are our simple, trusted ones below:

  1. Stick to the specs (these are provided above)
  2. Avoid lengthy documents
  3. Avoid links and CTAs in your document
  4. Optimise for accessibility (can check this with free tools)
  5. Minimise PDF layers

Start utilising LinkedIn Document Ads today!

Now that we’ve run you through everything there is to know about LinkedIn Document Ads, it’s time for you to get out there and start experimenting with them. We’d highly recommend you test them out with different objectives, offers, creative, content and more. This will be the quickest way to see what works for your target audience and achieve long-lasting, competitive results.

Still got burning questions?

If you have any questions about LinkedIn Document Ads, any of the ad types or anything about the Linkedin platform in general, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have a whole team of LinkedIn experts ready to dive in and help you.

If you want recommendations on your current Document Ad campaign, check out our optimisation tool, Campainless. Built to provide AI-generated suggestions to users, it can help you make sure your spend is being maximised for results.

Register for Early Access to the Free Trial

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