The Campainless Blog

The Key Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing: Shared
BySophie Gosman
The Key Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing: Shared

The Key Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing: Shared

LinkedIn marketing is like honey to B2B marketers. Being a professional networking platform with sophisticated targeting options and an ethos of content sharing – it’s no surprise that it attracts them in droves. 

In this value-packed article, we dive into the many benefits of LinkedIn marketing for B2B businesses. And we gift you all the reasons you need to justify an investment (or increased investment) in this unique advertising channel. We promise you there’s no shortage of reasons! Let’s get straight to it.

1. Sophisticated targeting features 

Number 1 on our list of LinkedIn marketing benefits is the nuanced targeting options available through the platform. Unlike any other channel e.g. Facebook or Google, LinkedIn enables you to build hyper-targeted demographic audiences far beyond the parameters location. 

You’re able to use filters as specific as job title, job function, company name, company size, work skills and more. This means you can get your ads in front of your exact target audience or ideal customer with a level of precision which is very difficult to achieve or replicate anywhere else. 

As any B2B marketer knows, an ad that targets the whole world is far less likely to gain traction, than a hyper-targeted ad that appeals to a specific audience directly. Plus, you also have the option to upload lists, create lookalikes, build remarketing audiences and more! The targeting options available through this channel are simply endless. 

2. Professional platform 

Beyond the targeting, another highly appraised benefit of the Linkedin platform is that it was built and designed for professional networking. You might be thinking, that’s cool but how does it impact the effectiveness of my advertising through that channel?

Easy answer, unlike Facebook where people could be logging in for any number of reasons – most of a personal nature e.g. to look at cat videos, catch up with friends engagements or stalk an ex, LinkedIn is a professional space where people on there are already in a work mindset when they log on. 

They might be looking for resources to help them with their career, researching a company or sharing some career news. Regardless of the specific reason they log in, as it’s a professional space, they are far more likely to be receptive to work-related advertisements. Particularly content. Whereas on Facebook you’re more likely to be disrupting the user experience, and more likely to annoy than delight. 

This a massive benefit and drawcard of Linkedin – your advertising spend is more likely to be received positively.

3. Focus on content sharing and education

Stemming off the professional nature of LinkedIn, the platform also has a reputation for being a content ecosystem. The #1 place working professionals go to in order to consume, share or interact with work-related content. And the platform is built to cater for and encourage this use. 

So, if you’re a B2B marketer, focused on educating your prospects at the top and mid stages of the funnel in an attempt to push them closer to a sale, LinkedIn is the ideal forum for you to find an audience and see results. 

4. So many options to experiment with & maximise ROI

Another benefit of LinkedIn for B2B companies is that there are so many options available for marketers to play with and find their sweet spot. This encompasses everything from target audience (covered above), to ad types, bid types, campaign objectives, campaign metrics, and more. The world is your oyster when it comes to LinkedIn!  

Realize the benefits of Linkedin for your own Organization

In summary, these are 4 main benefits of the LinkedIn platform for B2B businesses. While these are perhaps the most profound and holistic, they are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantages the platform offers. We’d recommend speaking to a Linkedin expert to see what the main benefits for your business are specifically.

And if you want to start realising the benefits for your organisation today or optimise your existing efforts, learn more about the Campainless platform. It’s your trusted companion in getting the most out of LinkedIn advertising.

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