The Campainless Blog

LinkedIn Retargeting 101: A Simple Way to Squeeze More ROI from Your Ads
ByAdrian Cordiner
LinkedIn Retargeting

Retargeting is one of the easiest tactics in your LinkedIn ad optimization strategy. It has become a crucial tool for B2B marketers looking to maximize the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.

Using a LinkedIn retargeting campaign, companies can re-engage audience members who have already shown interest in their brand. This makes retargeting one of the most cost-effective and powerful strategies for converting website visitors, video viewers, or event attendees into leads or customers.

In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of LinkedIn retargeting, from the various ad options available to the best practices for setting up retargeting campaigns.

Whether you’re a B2B marketer running LinkedIn ad campaigns or a brand trying to increase lead gen form submissions, this guide will provide valuable insights on enhancing your retargeting strategies.

What is LinkedIn Retargeting?

LinkedIn retargeting is a digital marketing strategy in which LinkedIn ads are shown to users who have previously interacted with your brand. These interactions may include visiting your website, engaging with a video ad, submitting a lead gen form, or RSVP’ingRSVPing to an event.

The primary goal of retargeting is to re-engage these users—known as a retargeting audience—who are already familiar with your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversion. A LinkedIn retargeting campaign can be tailored to specific audience segments, ensuring the ad content is relevant and engaging for each group.

Warm audiences are those who have already engaged with your brand in some way and are more likely to convert when relevant ads are served.

This is where LinkedIn retargeting ads come into play. They offer tailored content, such as a product demo request or a trial sign-up, to encourage further engagement.

Why LinkedIn retargeting works

LinkedIn retargeting ads are a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. They are designed to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your brand but haven’t yet converted.

These ads, also known as remarketing ads, aim to recapture the attention of potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services.

By targeting users who have visited your website, engaged with a video ad, filled out a lead generation form, or interacted with your company page, LinkedIn retargeting ads help keep your brand at the top of your mind and encourage further engagement.

For instance, if a user watches a significant portion of your video ad but doesn’t take any further action, you can retarget them with a follow-up ad that offers additional information or a special promotion.

This approach ensures that your marketing efforts are focused on individuals already familiar with your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversion and maximizing the return on your advertising investment.

Benefits of using LinkedIn retargeting for B2B marketing

LinkedIn retargeting offers several compelling benefits for B2B marketers, making it an essential strategy for maximizing the effectiveness of your advertising efforts:

  • Increased Conversion Rates: LinkedIn retargeting ads significantly increase the chances of conversion by targeting users who have already shown interest in your brand. These users are more likely to respond positively to your ads since they are already familiar with your offerings.
  • Improved Brand Awareness: Retargeting ads help keep your brand at the top of potential customers’ minds, even after they’ve left your website. This continuous exposure reinforces your brand message and increases the likelihood of future engagement.
  • Enhanced Lead Generation: LinkedIn retargeting ads can drive traffic back to your website, encouraging users to complete lead generation forms and providing you with valuable contact information for future marketing efforts.
  • Better ROI: LinkedIn retargeting ads offer a better return on investment than other forms of advertising by focusing on users who have already expressed interest in your branded approach, which ensures that your ad spend is used more efficiently, leading to higher conversion rates and lower acquisition costs.

LinkedIn Retargeting is Essential for B2B Businesses

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is tailored for professionals, making it an ideal space for B2B marketing.

With LinkedIn, you can specifically target organizations’ decision-makers, influencers, and stakeholders. However, with retargeting ads, many potential leads may interact with your brand, but take the next step.

This is where retargeting campaigns come in. By re-engaging LinkedIn members who have visited your website or engaged with your content, you can nurture leads more effectively and increase conversions.

Retargeting helps to push these individuals further down the marketing funnel by serving them ads that align with their previous engagement levels. A LinkedIn retargeting campaign can be optimized by leveraging metrics and following best practices to continually improve its effectiveness.

Understanding LinkedIn Retargeting Audiences

To make the most of LinkedIn retargeting, it’s essential to understand the different types of retargeting audiences available and how to set them up effectively.

Types of retargeting audiences: website visitors, video views, lead gen forms, company page visitors

LinkedIn offers several types of retargeting audiences, each tailored to different user interactions:

  • Website Visitors: This audience type allows you to target website users. Using the LinkedIn Insight Tag, you can track these visitors and serve them ads based on their browsing behavior.
  • Video Views: This audience type targets users engaged with your video ads. You can segment these users based on how much of the video they watched, allowing for highly targeted follow-up ads.
  • Lead Gen Forms: This audience type focuses on users interacting with your lead generation forms. You can retarget users who opened the form but didn’t submit it and those who completed it.
  • Company Page Visitors: This audience type targets users who have visited your company page on LinkedIn. These users are already familiar with your brand, making them ideal candidates for retargeting.

How to set up and manage retargeting audiences

Setting up and managing retargeting audiences on LinkedIn involves a few straightforward steps:

  1. Install the LinkedIn Insight Tag: Begin by installing the LinkedIn Insight Tag on your website. This tag will track website visitors and video views, providing the data needed to build your retargeting audiences.
  2. Create a Retargeting Audience in LinkedIn Campaign Manager: Log into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager and navigate to the “Matched Audiences” section. Here, you can create a new retargeting audience by selecting the desired audience type and adding the relevant URLs or video IDs.
  3. Set Up a Retargeting Campaign: Once your audience is created, set up a retargeting campaign by selecting the appropriate ad format, budget, and targeting options. Tailor your ads to match the interests and behaviors of your retargeting audience.
  4. Monitor and Optimize the Campaign: Track key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment to gauge the effectiveness of your retargeting campaign. Use this data to make informed adjustments and optimize your campaign for better results.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up and manage retargeting audiences on LinkedIn, improving your chances of converting potential customers and maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts.

The Role of the LinkedIn Insight Tag

The LinkedIn Insight Tag is central to LinkedIn’s retargeting capabilities. It is a small piece of code that you place on your website to track user activity and enable website retargeting.

The tag helps you monitor user behavior, such as which pages were visited, how long users stayed, and which actions they performed. This data is then used to build a website audience for future ad targeting.

For example, if a user visits your “Product Features” page but doesn’t convert, the Insight Tag will record that interaction.

You can then retarget that user with ads offering a product demo or discount, increasing the chances of conversion. Setting up the Insight Tag is essential for any marketer looking to build retargeting audiences based on website behavior.

Setting Up the LinkedIn Insight Tag

Installing the LinkedIn Insight Tag is a straightforward process, and it’s a critical step for setting up any retargeting campaign on LinkedIn. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Access the LinkedIn Campaign Manager: Log into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. In the account assets tab, you’ll find the option to manage and create Matched Audiences.
  2. Navigate to the Insight Tag Setup: Under the account assets tab dropdown, select “Insight Tag.” You will then receive a piece of code that needs to be embedded into your website’s header.
  3. Add the Code to Your Website: Place the Insight Tag code on every website page you want to track. This could include product pages, blog posts, or landing pages. Using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, you can easily add the Insight Tag to your site’s global header.
  4. Verify the Insight Tag: After installing the tag, return to Campaign Manager and verify your domain to ensure the Insight Tag functions correctly.

Once the Insight Tag is active, LinkedIn will collect data on your website visitors. You can then use this data to create retargeting audiences based on user behavior, such as visits to specific pages or interactions with certain content.

LinkedIn Retargeting Options

LinkedIn provides several powerful retargeting options to help marketers engage different audience segments. These options allow for a high degree of customization in re-engaging users. A LinkedIn retargeting campaign can utilize different retargeting options to engage various audience segments effectively. Below, we’ll dive into each retargeting option and how to leverage it in your ad campaigns.

Website Retargeting

Website retargeting is the most commonly used form of LinkedIn retargeting. Using the LinkedIn Insight Tag, you can track users who have visited your website but haven’t converted. These users may have explored your blog, viewed product pages, or downloaded content but still need to complete the desired action.

With website retargeting, you can serve tailored ads to these users, offering them additional incentives to return and convert. For example, if a user visited your pricing page, you could offer an ad offering a demo or free trial.

Key steps to set up website retargeting:

  • Create an audience based on users who visited specific pages on your website (such as product or pricing pages).
  • Retarget visitors based on actions taken or pages viewed.
  • Use personalized ad content to re-engage and move them further down the funnel.

Video Retargeting

Video content has become an increasingly effective tool for B2B marketers, and video retargeting allows you to capitalize on video views. With LinkedIn video ads, you can retarget users based on how many videos they watch. LinkedIn lets you segment users by video view percentages, such as 25%, 50%, 75%, or 97%.

This makes video an excellent tool for building audience sets and retargeting users with more relevant offers. For example, if someone watches 75% of your video, they’re likely highly engaged and ready for a bottom-of-the-funnel offer, such as a product demo or case study.

Lead Gen Form Retargeting

Lead gen form retargeting allows you to target users who have interacted with your LinkedIn lead gen form ads. You can segment users based on whether they opened or completed the form.

This approach is beneficial for generating leads for high-value content, such as eBooks, webinars, or whitepapers.

If someone opens your lead gen form but doesn’t submit it, you can retarget them with a reminder ad encouraging them to complete it.

For users who have completed the form, you could retarget them with an offer to schedule a demo or attend an event.

Company Page Retargeting

Your LinkedIn company page is often the first point of contact for users exploring your brand. With company page retargeting, you can re-engage LinkedIn members who have visited your company’s LinkedIn page. These users are already familiar with your brand, making them ideal candidates for retargeting.

To set up company page audience retargeting:

  • Create an audience based on page visits over a specific timeframe.
  • Retarget audience members engaged with your page, such as those who liked or commented on your posts.

Retargeting is particularly effective for building brand loyalty and converting warm leads into paying customers.

Event Retargeting

LinkedIn also allows you to retarget users who RSVP’d or attended your events. This event audience is precious because they have already shown interest in your brand by attending or expressing interest in an event.

For example, after a webinar, you can retarget event attendees with a follow-up offer, such as a free trial or product demo. You can also invite them to future events or send them content relevant to the previous event they attended.

Try These 5 Best Practices for LinkedIn Retargeting Campaigns

Now that we’ve covered the key retargeting options, let’s explore some best practices for ensuring the success of your LinkedIn retargeting campaigns.

It is crucial to continually optimize your LinkedIn retargeting campaign based on critical metrics to enhance its effectiveness.

1. Build Your Retargeting Audience Early

You need at least 300 users in your retargeting audience to start running retargeting ads on LinkedIn. To avoid delays, build your audience as soon as you launch your LinkedIn ad account.

Even if you’re not ready to launch a retargeting campaign immediately, having an audience ready will save you time later.

2. Segment Your Audience by Behavior

Segmenting your retargeting audience based on behavior allows you to serve more relevant ads. For instance, users who visit your pricing page may be closer to converting than those who view top-of-funnel content.

Create audience pages based on behavior to ensure you’re targeting users with content matching their interest level.

3. Tailor Ads to the Buyer’s Journey

The success of any ad campaign depends on delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time. Ensure that your retargeting ads are aligned with the user’s stage in the buying journey.

For example, top-of-funnel audiences should receive educational content, while bottom-of-funnel audiences may respond better to demo offers or case studies.

4. Combine Multiple Retargeting Options

Don’t rely on just one retargeting option.

Instead, combine several, such as video ads, lead gen form audiences, and website retargeting, to increase the size of your audience and improve campaign effectiveness.

By creating Matched Audiences that blend different audience segments, you can maximize the reach and impact of your retargeting campaign.

5. Use Multiple Ad Formats

LinkedIn offers various ad formats, including single images, carousels, and video ads.

Experiment with different formats to see what resonates best with your target audience. Multiple ad formats can help you engage users across various touchpoints, improving your chances of conversion.

Final Takeaways

LinkedIn retargeting offers a powerful way to re-engage LinkedIn users who have already shown interest in your brand.

Using tools like the LinkedIn Insight Tag and retargeting options such as video audience, lead gen form audience, and website retargeting, you can create highly effective retargeting campaigns that drive conversions and maximize ROI.

Whether you’re looking to generate leads, boost engagement, or convert website visitors into customers, LinkedIn retargeting ads provide a tailored approach to reach the right audience.

By following the best practices outlined in this guide and experimenting with different audience segments and ad formats, you can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn ad campaigns and enhance your overall marketing strategy.

Unlock Early Access to Campainless

Are you struggling to get the most out of your LinkedIn ads? Managing and optimizing campaigns can feel overwhelming, especially when juggling complex targeting options and tight budgets.

Campainless is here to change that.

Our platform is designed to streamline LinkedIn ad management with AI-driven optimization and pre-configured rules, tailored for B2B marketers like you. With Campainless, you can easily track performance, uncover valuable insights, and ensure your campaigns hit the mark without the guesswork.

Register for early access now and take the headache out of LinkedIn advertising. Your campaigns deserve better.

FAQs on LinkedIn Retargeting

What is Campainless, and how does it benefit my LinkedIn ad campaigns?

Campainless is an AI-powered platform specifically designed to optimize LinkedIn ad campaigns. It simplifies campaign management by offering pre-configured optimization rules, benchmarking tools, and actionable insights.

With Campainless, you can improve your LinkedIn ad performance, reduce costs, and generate better results without the guesswork.

How does Campainless differ from other LinkedIn ad management tools?

Unlike general ad management platforms, Campainless focuses exclusively on LinkedIn advertising. It offers built-in, AI-driven optimization rules tailored for B2B marketers.

Automating performance tracking and adjustments allows you to manage campaigns more efficiently and effectively, helping you get the most out of your LinkedIn ad budget.

Can Campainless help me track the success of my LinkedIn campaigns?

Yes, Campainless provides detailed performance tracking for your LinkedIn campaigns. It offers real-time insights into key metrics such as click-through rates, cost per lead, and audience engagement.

This helps you quickly identify what’s working so you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

Is Campainless suitable for beginners who are new to LinkedIn advertising?

Absolutely! Campainless is designed to be plug and play. The platform guides you through the setup and optimization process, making it easy for beginners to run effective LinkedIn campaigns.

The intuitive interface and pre-configured rules ensure that even those with little LinkedIn experience can achieve better results.

How soon can I expect to see improvements in my LinkedIn ad performance with Campainless?

Many users start seeing positive results within a few weeks of using Campainless. The platform’s AI-driven optimizations work almost immediately, making real-time adjustments to enhance performance.

The exact timeframe may vary depending on your campaign goals, but improvements in efficiency and engagement often happen quickly.

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