The Campainless Blog
When it comes to LinkedIn ad formats, there’s not much you can’t do. From single image to video to message, carousel, text and conversation – the world’s your oyster! One of the most popular formats are LinkedIn carousel ads.
In this in-depth post we’ll cover what carousel ads are, why you should care about them and how you can start using them more effectively to freshen up your marketing efforts. Plus, we include the updated ad specs you should be following to get the best results! Sit back and get ready to soak up our carousel knowledge.
Unlike a single image ad where you’re limited to 1 banner visual and 1 set of ad copy – a carousel ad allows you to use up to 10 swipeable “slides.” Each of these “slides” contain a different visual and headline copy.
Carousel ads appear on the news feed and your company LinkedIn page – across all devices and platforms, including mobile. They are most commonly used for brand awareness, website visits or lead generation objectives.
We’ve seen carousel ads work best when used to showcase products, tell your brand’s story, display customer journeys or share key insights (from a whitepaper, conference etc.). While the exact way you use them depends on your objectives and the nature of your business – it’s important that you make the extra ad space and highly interactive format work for you. And as an absolute non-negotiable, you need to include a clear call-to-action button and link on the final card.
With these tips, tricks and specs at your disposal – there’s simply no excuse not to nail your carousel ads from this point forward. Need more help creating CTR-elevating carousels or any other aspect of your LinkedIn campaign management? Our LinkedIn optimisation tool, Campainless is packed with best-practice tips and reminders, ad quality alerts & more to keep you on top of your LinkedIn ad game.